Une jeune fillette
- Laute
Einspielungen: 1
Lute Music of the Renaissance

hänssler CLASSIC 98.218
1 CD • 53min • 2004
29.07.2005 • 7 8 8
Das Schele-Manuskript ist eine Sammlung von Lautenstücken, die 1619 von Ernst Schele und mindestens fünf weiteren Schreibern zusammengestellt wurde und heute in der Hamburger Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek aufbewahrt wird. Es ist nicht nur wegen der hohen Qualität der Musik von allgemeiner [...]
Weitere Werke: Instrumental-Solo
- An Almain 49 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- An Almand (aus The Margaret Board Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- Aloe (aus The Trumbull Lute Book,Cambridge University Library)
- La mia Barbara
- Mrs. Brigide Fleetwood's Pavan alias Solus Sine Sola (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Can She Excuse (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)
- Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Dr. Case's Pavan (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Mrs. Clifton's Almain (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)
- Come Away (aus Cambridge University Library, Nn. 6.36)
- Complaint (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Coranto (aus The Margaret Board Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- The Coy Toy (Aus The Mynshall Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- Dowland's First Pavan (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Dowland's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Mr. Dowland's Midnight (aus The Margaret Board Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- A Dream (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- A Fancy
- A Fancy 5 (aus Cambridge University Library, Add. 3056)
- A Fancy 6 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- A Fancy 7 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- A Fancy 72 (aus The Euing Lute Book, Glasgow University Library)
- A Fancy 73 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Fantaisie
- A Fantasia (aus The Jane Pickering Lute Book, London British Library)
- Fantasia DP 1a
- Fantasia DP 71
- Fantasia DP 73
- A Fantasie 1a (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- Farewell (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- Farewell (An In Nomine, aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Forlorn Hope Fancy (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Fortune (aus William Barley, A New Booke of Tabliture for the Lute and Orpharion, London 1596)
- The Frog Galliard (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)
- Gagliarda (aus The Hainhofer Lute Book, Wolfenbüttel, Herzog-August-Bibliothek)
- A Galliard 24 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- A Galliard 27 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- A Galliard 30 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- A Galliard 35 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- A Galliard 76 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- A Galliard (on a galliard by Daniel Bacheler - aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- A Galliard (on Walsingham - aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Galliard to Lachrimae (aus John Dowland, A Pilgrimes Solace, London 1612)
- Giles Hobie's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- Go From My Window (aus The Euing Lute Book, Glasgow University Library)
- Sir Henry Guilforde, His Almain (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- Lady Hunsdon's Puffe (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- Une jeune fillette
- John Dowland's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Sir John Langton's Pavan (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- Sir John Smith, His Almain (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- Sir John Souch's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3, Lachrimae or seaven Teares)
- Mr. Knight's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- Lachrimae (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- The Lady Russell's Pavan (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- Lady Laiton's Almain (aus The Schele Lute Book, Hamburg Stadtbibliothek)
- Langton's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Loth to Depart (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Melancholy Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- La Mia Barbara (aus The Schele Lute Book, Hamburg Stadtbibliothek)
- Mignarda (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- The Most High and Mighty Christianus the Fourth, King of Denmark, His Galliard (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- Mounsier's Almain (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- My Lady Riches Galliard
- My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)
- Mrs. Nichol's Almain (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Mrs. Norrish's Delight (aus The Marsh Lute Book, Dublin Library of archbishop Narcissus Marsh)
- Now, O now, I needs must part
- Orlando Sleepeth (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- A Pavan 16 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- A Pavan 18 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Pavana (aus The Schelle Lute Book, Hamburg Stadtbibliothek)
- Pavana für Laute 10-chörig (aus Daniel Mylius, Thesaurus Gratiarum, Frankfurt 1622)
- Pavana (aus Daniel Mylius, Thesaurus Gratiarum, Frankfurt 1622)
- Pavane Lachrimae
- A Piece Without Title (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- A Piece Without Title (aus The Euing Lute Book, Glasgow University Library)
- Piper's Pavan (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Preludium (aus The Margaret Board Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- The Queen's Galliard (aus The Margaret Board Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- Resolution (aus Cambridge University Library, Nn. 6.36)
- The Right Honourable Earl of Essex, His Galliard (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- Right Honourable Ferdinando Earl of Derby, His Galliard (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- The Right Honourable The Lady Clifton's Spirit (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- The Right Honourable The Lady Rich, Her Galliard (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- The Right Honourable The Lord Viscount Lisle, His Galliard (aus Robert Dowland, A Musicall Banquet, London 1610)
- Robin (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Round Battle Galliard (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)
- Semper Dowland Semper Dolens (aus The Euing Lute Book, Glasgow University Library)
- The Shoemaker's Wife (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Solus Cum Sola (aus The Euing Lute Book, Glasgow University Library)
- Lord Strang's March (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Tänze und Fantasien für Laute
- Tarleton's Jig (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Tarleton's Riserrectione (aus The Wickhambrook Lute Book, New Haven, Yale Music Library)
- Mrs. Vaux Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Mrs. Vaux Jig (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (Tabulatur-Buch Ernst Schele, Anno 1619)
- Walsingham (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- What If A Day (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)
- Mrs. White's Nothing (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Mrs. White's Thing (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Mrs. Winter's Jump (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)