Preludium (aus The Margaret Board Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- Laute
Einspielungen: 1
Merry Melancholy
Englische Lautenmusik des 16. Jahrhunderts

hänssler CLASSIC 98.600
1 CD • 66min • 2009
05.07.2010 • 9 9 9
Melancholie, ein griechisches Wort, das nach seinen Bestandteilen etwa mit „Schwarzgalligkeit“ zu übersetzen wäre, bezeichnet seit den Tagen des Hippokrates den seelischen Zustand der Schwermut. 500 Jahre später wurde die Melancholie bei dem berühmten Arzt Galen eines der vier Temperamente – im [...]
Weitere Werke: Instrumental-Solo
- An Almain 49 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- An Almand (aus The Margaret Board Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- Aloe (aus The Trumbull Lute Book,Cambridge University Library)
- La mia Barbara
- Mrs. Brigide Fleetwood's Pavan alias Solus Sine Sola (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Can She Excuse (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)
- Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Dr. Case's Pavan (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Mrs. Clifton's Almain (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)
- Come Away (aus Cambridge University Library, Nn. 6.36)
- Complaint (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Coranto (aus The Margaret Board Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- The Coy Toy (Aus The Mynshall Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- Dowland's First Pavan (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Dowland's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Mr. Dowland's Midnight (aus The Margaret Board Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- A Dream (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- A Fancy
- A Fancy 5 (aus Cambridge University Library, Add. 3056)
- A Fancy 6 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- A Fancy 7 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- A Fancy 72 (aus The Euing Lute Book, Glasgow University Library)
- A Fancy 73 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Fantaisie
- A Fantasia (aus The Jane Pickering Lute Book, London British Library)
- Fantasia DP 1a
- Fantasia DP 71
- Fantasia DP 73
- A Fantasie 1a (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- Farewell (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- Farewell (An In Nomine, aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Forlorn Hope Fancy (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Fortune (aus William Barley, A New Booke of Tabliture for the Lute and Orpharion, London 1596)
- The Frog Galliard (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)
- Gagliarda (aus The Hainhofer Lute Book, Wolfenbüttel, Herzog-August-Bibliothek)
- A Galliard 24 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- A Galliard 27 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- A Galliard 30 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- A Galliard 35 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- A Galliard 76 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- A Galliard (on a galliard by Daniel Bacheler - aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- A Galliard (on Walsingham - aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Galliard to Lachrimae (aus John Dowland, A Pilgrimes Solace, London 1612)
- Giles Hobie's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- Go From My Window (aus The Euing Lute Book, Glasgow University Library)
- Sir Henry Guilforde, His Almain (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- Lady Hunsdon's Puffe (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- Une jeune fillette
- John Dowland's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Sir John Langton's Pavan (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- Sir John Smith, His Almain (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- Sir John Souch's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3, Lachrimae or seaven Teares)
- Mr. Knight's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- Lachrimae (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- The Lady Russell's Pavan (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- Lady Laiton's Almain (aus The Schele Lute Book, Hamburg Stadtbibliothek)
- Langton's Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Loth to Depart (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Melancholy Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- La Mia Barbara (aus The Schele Lute Book, Hamburg Stadtbibliothek)
- Mignarda (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- The Most High and Mighty Christianus the Fourth, King of Denmark, His Galliard (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- Mounsier's Almain (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- My Lady Riches Galliard
- My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)
- Mrs. Nichol's Almain (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Mrs. Norrish's Delight (aus The Marsh Lute Book, Dublin Library of archbishop Narcissus Marsh)
- Now, O now, I needs must part
- Orlando Sleepeth (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- A Pavan 16 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- A Pavan 18 (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Pavana (aus The Schelle Lute Book, Hamburg Stadtbibliothek)
- Pavana für Laute 10-chörig (aus Daniel Mylius, Thesaurus Gratiarum, Frankfurt 1622)
- Pavana (aus Daniel Mylius, Thesaurus Gratiarum, Frankfurt 1622)
- Pavane Lachrimae
- A Piece Without Title (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 5.78.3)
- A Piece Without Title (aus The Euing Lute Book, Glasgow University Library)
- Piper's Pavan (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Preludium (aus The Margaret Board Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- The Queen's Galliard (aus The Margaret Board Lute Book, Private Library of Robert Spencer)
- Resolution (aus Cambridge University Library, Nn. 6.36)
- The Right Honourable Earl of Essex, His Galliard (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- Right Honourable Ferdinando Earl of Derby, His Galliard (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- The Right Honourable The Lady Clifton's Spirit (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- The Right Honourable The Lady Rich, Her Galliard (aus Robert Dowland, Varietie of Lute Lessons, London 1610)
- The Right Honourable The Lord Viscount Lisle, His Galliard (aus Robert Dowland, A Musicall Banquet, London 1610)
- Robin (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Round Battle Galliard (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)
- Semper Dowland Semper Dolens (aus The Euing Lute Book, Glasgow University Library)
- The Shoemaker's Wife (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Solus Cum Sola (aus The Euing Lute Book, Glasgow University Library)
- Lord Strang's March (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Tänze und Fantasien für Laute
- Tarleton's Jig (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Tarleton's Riserrectione (aus The Wickhambrook Lute Book, New Haven, Yale Music Library)
- Mrs. Vaux Galliard (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Mrs. Vaux Jig (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- Von Gott will ich nicht lassen (Tabulatur-Buch Ernst Schele, Anno 1619)
- Walsingham (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 9.33)
- What If A Day (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)
- Mrs. White's Nothing (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Mrs. White's Thing (aus Cambridge University Library, Ms. Dd. 2.11)
- Mrs. Winter's Jump (aus The Dowland Lute Book, Washington Folger-Shakespeare Library)